Monday, January 18, 2021

Carlsbad Caverns, NM


Gamble Family Adventures and Travel Blog | Jana


by Jana

Today was Martin Luther King Jr. Day, so JacK and Stellie didn’t have school. We took advantage of this and visited the Carlsbad Caverns.

Carlsbad Caverns in New Mexico is another breathtakingly beautiful place, impossible to convey through video or photos. Marine fossils found here indicate that it was once part of an ancient underwater reef called Capitan Reef. The caverns were forged by sulfuric acid—not water erosion, as is the case with most limestone caves. The temperature in the caverns holds steady at 56 degrees Fahrenheit. They are home to Mexican free-tail bats and as many as 300,000 of them billow out of the caverns each night. Carlsbad Caverns National Park has about 120 known caves at this time. 

Gamble Family Adventures and Travel Blog | Living on a Bus

The Carlsbad Cavern is about 30 miles and is the largest, readily accessible cave chamber in North America. The largest cave is Lechuguilla Cave, which is about 140 miles and 1,604 feet deep. This cave is not open to the public. 

One of the park rangers told us that there are formations so delicate in there that they can be damaged by breathing on them. Carlsbad Caverns is a must-see once in a lifetime experience.

Carlsbad Caverns is a must-see once in a lifetime experience.

Travel with us:

Travel Diary


This is a daily log and photos of what we’re up to.

Day 94: San Felipe, Mexico

Day 94: San Felipe, Mexico

Friday, January 29, 2021San Felipe, MexicoODOMETER: 83,977 | TOTAL MILES TRAVELED: 6,032  by JanaWe awoke to a stunning sunrise over the Gulf of California. We had parked at the far end of the seafront sites, but had no WiFi signal there. We decided to relocate...

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Day 93: Travel Day | Winterhaven, CA to San Felipe, Mexico

Day 93: Travel Day | Winterhaven, CA to San Felipe, Mexico

Thursday, January 28, 2021Travel Day | Winterhaven, CA to San Felipe, MexicoODOMETER: 83,977 | TODAY'S MILES: 174 | TOTAL MILES TRAVELED: 6,032  by JanaToday was a big travel day with a border crossing into Mexico. I spent a frustrating several hours last night...

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Day 92: Winterhaven, CA

Day 92: Winterhaven, CA

Wednesday, January 27, 2021Winterhaven, CAODOMETER: 83,803 | TOTAL MILES TRAVELED: 5,858  by JanaEveryone was tired today so we spent the day catching up on work. Jack and Stellie had midterm exams so their focus was on school. Jack and Stellie had midterm exams...

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These are our personal thoughts on some of our experiences.

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Christchurch, New Zealand ...

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Geraldine, New Zealand ...

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Milford Sound, Fiordland National Park, New Zealand ...

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Milford Sound, New Zealand ...

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Lake Pukaki, New Zealand ...

24 1

Ferry from Wellington to Pickton, South Island, New Zealand ...

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Our Trip


Our Trip


Culture Nomads Travel Blog | Our Trip


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We are currently sailing the South Pacific to Australia.


Thank you for joining us, have a great day!