Monday, February 15, 2021
Travel Day | Guerrero Negro to Santa Rosalía, Mexico

by Jana
Jack and Stellie had school in the morning so we had to wait to leave until 1pm so that they wouldn’t lose internet connection. The way from Guerrero Negro across to the east coast’s Santa Rosalia was shorter than yesterday’s trip, but no less treacherous. After a short stint through the desert on a sandy road, we came out at a pretty remote feeling RV Park on the beach. We were welcomed warmly by its long-term residents. After a long chat with John, a 70-something man from Oregon who has been coming here for many years, we got some invaluable information that spurred us to re-evaluate our original plan to stay in Todos Santos for several weeks and do some more research to find some place less touristy and more quaint. We settled on Baja Sunrise, a beachfront RV park in Los Barriles about 400 miles south of Santa Rosalia, on the east coast of Baja.

After a long chat with John, a 70-something man from Oregon who has been coming here for many years, we got some invaluable information that spurred us to re-evaluate our original plan to stay in Todos Santos for several weeks and do some more research to find some place less touristy and more quaint.
Travel with us:
Travel Diary
This is a daily log and photos of what we’re up to.
Sailing Tahiti to Australia | Leg 1: Tahiti to Mo’orea
Mo’orea has become one of our favorite places in the world and we are forever grateful to have met her.
Sailing Tahiti to Australia | Month 2 FP
Here is what our second month living on our boat, Hanavave, in Tahiti, French Polynesia, was like.
Our trip to Australia was delayed due to port closures throughout the South Pacific. We spent the month making improvements to Hanavave so that we could make the passage to Australia with fewer stops.
Sailing Tahiti to Australia | Month 1 FP
Sailing Tahiti to Australia | Month 1 Preparations Welcome! We are a family of four: Grant (dad), Jana (mom), Jack (16) and Stella/Ellie (15). We just finished an 8-month tour of the U.S. and Mexico in Thelma & Louise, our Monaco Diplomat motorhome and Jeep...
These are our personal thoughts on some of our experiences.
Why We Sold Our Home to Live on a Bus and Travel Full-Time
Why We Sold Our Home to Live on a Bus and Travel Full-TimeAt any other point in time, the decision to sell our home and move into an RV to travel the U.S. full-time with two teenagers and three dogs might be quite ridiculous. But in these unfathomably complex and...
How We Stay Safe & Healthy While Traveling Full-Time during COVID-19
How We Stay Safe & Healthy While Traveling Full-Time during COVID-19by Jana & Grant GambleSome people asked if we were taking unnecessary risks by traveling during COVID-19 and we're sure it's a question on many people's minds even if they don't vocalize it....
Reflections: One Month In
ReflectionReflectionReflectionReflectionOne Month In Thursday, November 26, 2020Thanksgiving Day | Palm Beach Motorcoach Resort, FL ODOMETER: 80,306 | MILES TRAVELED: 2,361 by GrantWe’re just over 4 weeks into this grand adventure (or experiment) and we’ve...
Our Trip
Our Trip

We are currently sailing the South Pacific to Australia.
Thank you for joining us, have a great day!