Sunday, March 7, 2021

Todos Santos, Mexico


Footage by Jack (@jack_gamble_shoots)

Today, we drove about an hour and a half to Todos Santos on the west coast of Baja California Sur in hopes of catching a while migration.

We were lucky and spotted gray whales just off the  beach in Todos. Watch the video and see if you can spot the rainbow in the beginning! ?

Every year between late December and mid-March, thousands of gray whales make their annual migration through the Pacific Ocean, off the coast of Baja California.

The whales migrate 5,000 miles from the cold waters of Alaska’s Bering Sea to the warm waters of the Baja Peninsula. It is the longest known mammal migration in the world.

For years, these magnificent animals had been hunted nearly to extinction and have just barely survived as a species. Now, ocean temperature changes and food availability, toxic algae blooms,oil and gas development, fishing gear and nets, and collisions with ships are the biggest threats to the survival of these animals.

Travel with us:

Travel Diary


This is a daily log and photos of what we’re up to.

Day 186: Moab, UT | Arches National Park

Day 186: Moab, UT | Arches National Park

Saturday, May 1, 2021Arches National Park, UTODOMETER: 87,034 | TODAY'S MILES: 331 | TOTAL MILES TRAVELED: 8,824This afternoon, Grant Jack and I went for a run/ride in the desert. It was hot, windy and VERY dry. Some pretty tough conditions, but we made it.In the...

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Day 185: Moab, UT | Arches National Park

Day 185: Moab, UT | Arches National Park

Friday, April 30, 2021Arches National Park, UTODOMETER: 87,034 | TODAY'S MILES: 331 | TOTAL MILES TRAVELED: 8,824In order to avoid crowds, we set out for a sunset hike of Devil's Garden Trail in Arches. It did not disappoint and even though we didn't get back until...

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Day 184: Moab, UT | Arches National Park

Day 184: Moab, UT | Arches National Park

Thursday, April 29, 2021Arches National Park, UTODOMETER: 87,034 | TODAY'S MILES: 331 | TOTAL MILES TRAVELED: 8,824We visited Arches National Park this afternoon and it was truly spectacular.  Arches National Park in Utah has the densest concentration of natural stone...

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These are our personal thoughts on some of our experiences.

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We are currently sailing the South Pacific to Australia.


Thank you for joining us, have a great day!