Day 42: Key West, FL

Day 42: Key West, FL

Tuesday, December 8, 2020 Key West, FL ODOMETER: 80,549 | MILES TRAVELED: 2,604 FollowFollowFollowFollow   by Grant We’re starting to get a little cabin fever with the lack of trails for run/riding and the wind hampering paddling options. We decide to explore...
Day 35: Key West, FL

Day 35: Key West, FL

Tuesday, December 1, 2020 Key West, FL ODOMETER: 80,549 | TODAY’S MILES: 243 | MILES TRAVELED: 2,604 FollowFollowFollowFollow   by Grant Jana and I enjoy our usual routine, a nice fresh coffee followed by a walk with the dogs and then back for breakfast and...


We are currently sailing the South Pacific to Australia.


Thank you for joining us, have a great day!